Saturday, September 17, 2011

Relationships can be as good as you want.

1. As you read this blog, please remember keep an open mind, that is the only way  you will be able to get all that  you deserved. It is going to take some effort on your part, sky is the limit. You might have to start with your self, providing self compassion to self is one of the keys, except all that may come by living in the moment, you will have a successful relationship, with self, family and friends.

2. The beautiful thing about these relationship questions is that they are perfect for couples whether they are both virgins or have been married for decades.  In my professional opinion 95% of couples have not asked 80% of these questions. Click here

3. This is not a gimmick... It's cutting-edge psychology combined with real-world application. I was sick and tired of seeing rich or good looking guys get all the girls... and nothing I tried or found online ever worked. I learned "the hard way" why most "systems" for meeting and attracting women don't work! click here

4. When advice such as "Forget about them!" or "There's plenty of fish in the sea!" just doesn't cut it, and you can't stand to go another day without being back with the one you love, then I have just the solution for you. Just wait and click here 

5. Are you having marriage problems? Are you trying to stop divorce happening to you? Were you hoping that you might find something on this site that would help you realize what is happening, solve the problem and get things 'back to normal' again? Or do you want your relationship to be even better than before, better than you ever thought possible? Then click here
Relationships takes time, the most important part is don't be hard on yourself, try to live in the moment, and except life as it comes your way. I have lots of information to share with you, just don't give up and it will happen, it  all start with a though in your mind.

6. This site has great books and everything in between for self help relationship and does matter what level or who you are, where is something for everyone click here

So, he did not come home last night, where was he?I call his phone and it went to voice mail, I begin to panic, and doubt that he love me like he say he does, what should I do?I love him, we got 5 years together, I don't feel like starting over, he brings me flowers, said he was helping a old friend he ran into, and that had a couple of drinks, and she fell asleep. What?Click here

                                               Something you should know about relationships!
Are you getting what you want and deserve? You should be true yourself first, notice the butterflies inside when that special someone is around you. Be open to all the love that is offer to you and at the same time be thankful to your lucky stars that another human being is willing to give you that attention you want. Notice those eyes as they stare at you, look into them as if you were looking into their soul, because you are, does it feel warm, is there admiration, and you feel playful and happy to be in their presence, and at difficult times, are you being heard attentively, every word you speak their eyes tell you the truth, what about that touch on the body, that tone of the voice, does it speak to your soul and spirit where all true lives. In relationships you should know that either you are for me or against me, there are no in between, no excuses, just what is the true. You should not have to beg for love, nor should anyone beg you for your love, love is free, and should be given as such, freely, unconditional, no strings attach. Relationships are given and taken, there should be balance, check your scales, and are they close enough? Maybe you need work, or even the other person needs work, how far are you willing go? You do not want to go hell, and back.

5 Tips

1.       Increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.
2.       Define your goals and values in life.
3.       Develop your communication and listening skills.
4.       Practice self-compassion, being compassionate with you.
5.        Learn to manage your emotions.

                           5 unhealthy relationships

1.       Emotional abusive.
2.       Physical abusive.
3.       Additive relationships.
4.       Controlling relationships.
5.       Co-dependency relationships.
     It is important for you to know wherever you are in your relationships; help is always there for  you, you are not along. There are many people, both personal and professional that are willing to help you, but first, you must take that first step by asking for help. You might feel reluctant for whatever reason to ask, whether shy, shame, or frighten. The first step belong to you.

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